Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Project 3-Site 3

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Project 2

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Music Lesson - Johannes Vermeer

Architectonic Narrative
A wide spacious room, refined for the tutelage of a wellborn woman in the musical arts.

The Music Lesson at a short glance portrays a room with a large window set into the from mid-height to the ceiling. With the windows light pouring through onto a woman at what appears to be a desk, with a man beside her. On the floor is a cello, giving rise to the notion of the room being some musical or arts study room. The details of the painting in fact portray a woman playing a virginal in a sunlit room, alongside her is a man in noble dress, his focus is on watching her play. The man is interpreted to be a mentor or tutor due to his stature and eloquine figure. Vermeer shows specific attention to detail with the accuracy of the silent figures listening to the music, the reflection of the mirror, the table, tile patches and chair; all in a realisitic style.
What highlights the emotions of the room and the serenity of the scene being portrayed is the ambience of the light from the opening of the large lead windows against the soft shadows of the interlocking objects and figures within the room.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

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